Marina’s Tip For The Month: Need Not Want
The Earth element is about bringing in small things that make your life taste sweet, and the satisfaction in understanding that enough is plenty. So, it’s about thinking less about what you want and more about what you need. For example, you can enjoy little rituals which fill you with joy – a cup of tea, time spent playing with your children, a candle, a catch-up with a friend, a book before bed. Keep an end of the day gratitude journal to jot down anything which has brought you joy or made you feel good. This is about small changes, not big ones, and understanding that you are enough. You have enough. Earth is about giving and exchanging. So, for example, introduce a monthly informal but beautiful supper with friends or family. Invite everyone, in the spirit of togetherness, to contribute to the meal. One person sets the table, another brings food, another reads a poem. Equally, companionship between women, chatting, sharing our stories and being there for each other as sisters is wonderful for the Earth element.
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