A fresh start with the Water Element


A fresh start with the Water Element

The winter element is all about dreaming and envisioning the life you want to call in. Our ideas and imagination are born in water, the source of life itself. So rather than making rigid, concrete or practical resolutions which might involve too much of an energetic push, now is the time to hibernate and replenish. Create a platform for daydreams and think about the kind of memories you want to create moving forwards. Ask yourself, what do you want to bring into your life for yourself and others? And which parts of your past do you want to carry into your future? Cultivate a glorious dreamscape which reframes your life. It doesn’t have to be literal. It can be a mood, a scent, a colour, a feeling – but don’t be afraid to dream big and keep it bold. You can create a mood board or look-book if you like. On our Feel Alive retreats, we create mandalas which act as vision boards. Getting creative is the antidote to the survival mode many of us have switched into during these times. Let yourself rest, look after your kidney energy and you will feel your vitality and inspiration return. Hold the faith to invite the magical into your subconscious. Now is the time to return to childlike wonder, to believing in fairies and fantasies. Who knows, maybe what you think is impossible will become possible this year.

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