
Thoughts & Reflections


Thoughts & Reflections

Dear Euphorians,

At last, we welcome in spring, the season of bright new beginnings and fresh chances. Whilst challenging world news continues, at this time of year when we look to nature we start to witness a celebration of joy, energy and life. It’s time for us to channel these qualities ourselves. It can be easy to forget that our primary service to the world is to stay self-poised, optimistic and peaceful, only then can we rejuvenate ourselves and others with authentic positivity.


Rather than ego-driven politics and power, we need leaders who see beyond their personal agendas and tap into what the world needs. Instead, wars are protracting, and we see leaders lost in their own minds. Yet, on an individual level, we can each play our part by not getting caught in our own mind traps, visioning in the new and effecting change in the world by harnessing the wood elements of our personality.


This month in our blog posts we focus on the wood element (εδώ θα γίνει hyperlink και θα οδηγεί στη σελίδα που θα βρίσκεται το επόμενο κείμενο, το Euphoria Methodos), associated with the liver and gall bladder, with the intention of helping you to plan and strategize for a better future. If you are serious about instigating change you may also consider Euphoria Retreat’s Holistic Leadership Retreat (hyperlink που θα οδηγεί εδώ: in June. It’s one of my personal favourites and has proved revelatory and revolutionary for previous participants. Do join us!

Let’s together create our own new starts,

We hope to see you soon,

With love and light,






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