

Food Safety Policy

The Top Management of the Company EVOIKOS S.A. “Euphoria Retreat, a Holistic Wellbeing

Destination Spa” defines its policy, objectives and commitment to the quality and safety of the products produced and the quality of the services provided. For this purpose, the Top Management of the Company demonstrates leadership and is committed to:

  • Ensuring that its security policy and HACCP objectives are established and compatible with the Agency’s strategic orientation and operational framework.
  • Ensuring that HACCP requirements are integrated into the Agency’s processes and providing the framework for setting and reviewing HACCP objectives.
  • Ensuring the availability of necessary resources.
  • Ensuring that the HACCP is evaluated and kept up to date so that the intended results are achieved.
  • Meeting applicable food safety requirements, including statutory/regulatory requirements and mutually agreed upon customer safety requirements.
  • Communicating the importance of effective food safety management and compliance with HACCP requirements, the applicable regulatory requirements and the mutually agreed requirements with the customer that are related to food safety to all stakeholders.
  • Protecting products from intentional wear, intentional contamination.
  • Guiding and supporting staff to contribute to the effectiveness of HACCP.
  • Covering the need of ensuring professional competence regarding food safety.
  • Supporting the executives of the Organization to exercise a leading role in their areas of responsibility.
  • Communicating the policy and ensuring it is understood and implemented within the organization.
  • Promoting continuous improvement.
  • Addressing issues of internal & external communication.
  • Promoting process approach and risk approach.

The management of the company recognizes the necessity of installing and implementing a

Food Safety Management System, where risks are recognized, evaluated and controlled and control measures are identified and categorized by purpose, ensuring the safety of products and compliance to the requirements of ISO 22000:2018. The HACCP concerns all products produced or made available by the company.

This system will be constantly improved, through reviews & updates & performance evaluation, to always cover the ever-increasing customer expectations as well as market and legislative requirements according to new scientific data. The objectives around which the Agency focuses its continuous and systematic efforts are always related to:

Customer (customer satisfaction, customer complaints)

Product-service (failures)

Supplies (delivery, non-compliant products)

Human resources


Version: 2

Date: 24/08/2021

These objectives are in each case compliant with the policy, are measurable and take into account corresponding food safety legislative and regulatory requirements.

In order to achieve all this, the Company has adopted a QMS system based on the ISO 22000:2018 standard, for the following activities: PRODUCTION AND AVAILABILITY OF READY FOOD FOR MASS CATERING / CATERING SERVICES.

The above policy is known and applied by all company personnel.