
Tips to harness & balance the wood element


Tips to harness & balance the wood element


Winter is about hibernating and dreaming. It is water time, a time to conserve energy, sleep a lot, indulge in routines which bring us safety and warmth. It reflects yin energy and is abstract. Wood time, in contrast, is above moving ideas into strategy and is much more yang in its energy. It is the season in which to morph our dreams into reality by creating more solid plans. It’s important not to stress about it either. Instead, start to vision things so clearly that you create an environment conductive to everything you need so that your plans organically appear.

Create a vision for your life that brings you joy and harnesses the energy of growth, development and moving forwards into the new. Wood is connected with the eyes, your ability to see in front of you, so it’s also about acting on things in tandem and accordance with the plan for your life. This may mean you start to say ‘no’ to things that are not aligned to your bigger picture. Yet, this ‘no’ is really a bigger ‘yes’ to a bigger you.

When we are in flow, we are able to hear, communicate and translate the messages of our inner world into something tangible in our external worlds. And when our wood element is balanced, we want to do something for the collective good with a spirit of kindness and generosity. So, our visions are not just about my way or the high way, they are about kindness, generosity, flexibility. We move forwards and change things for the greater good. In this way we are inspired and also inspirational to others. Which ensures we do not act alone, but as part of the whole.

The frequency of togetherness is important and ensures the wood side of personality doesn’t get to stuck. We synthesise the left and right sides of our brain and take a balanced approach to nourishing out dreams into plans. It should feel enlivening and fulfilling in a sustainable way.

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