Euphoria Retreat


Emotional Harmony

5 or 7 Days – Reflect, Reconnect, Process, Purify

When we have been through painful or traumatic life experiences, we can naturally, and understandably put up walls of protection and become guarded, defensive, blocked-off, self-critical of others and of ourselves. Ironically, in order to open our hearts and start living a more balanced and joyous life, we need to express our repressed feelings and surrender to our experiences with acceptance. It is only when we let negative emotions go that we can invite more colour into our lives. Our Emotional Harmony programme allows guests to connect with those narratives and embrace a new future. It allows you to speak your truth in a safe place, receive tender nurturing and come to a place where you feel centred and peaceful. Through a process of positive internal communication, you will come into terms with fear and feel ready to live a more harmonious meaningful life opening up in spiritual guidance and connection.

This programme is bookable with all types of accommodation including breakfast. Half board and/or full board according to your wish.

This programme will reconnect you with your true self and open your heart to new ways to be and fresh possibilities.





Usually when we are at our most angry, sad, irritable or anxious, it is the hardest time to do the inner work and find the support we need, which is why we have created this programme which is all about coming to a place of inner harmony where you feel at peace with your emotions. Our aim is for our guests to feel seen, heard, validated and understood. This process makes space for fresh starts, whether in work or relationships. It will leave you more ready to cope and more open to deep connection with a sense that a new life phase it about to begin.

Inner emotional harmony

When we set aside the veils of pretence and come into the truth of who we are, then we can invite in more healing. Through a layered offering of powerful treatments, including everything from transformational coaching, 5 Elements Balancing and the physical release of trapped emotions this programme will reconnect you with your true self and open your heart to new ways to be and fresh possibilities. Meditations, Thai yoga massage and a private flotation session and deep chakra work will help you to steady and stabilise negativity and come to a place of greater inner knowing and harmony.

Inner emotional harmony

This Programme is perfect if you:

  • Know you should face, embrace and cleanse your feelings
  • Need to eliminate negative influences in your life, switch off, unplug and come back to yourself
  • Find it hard to let go of resentments and bitterness towards people who have wronged you
  • Need to let go of past traumas and wounds and would like support through this process
  • Feel ready to move into a new life phase
Inner emotional harmony

You will:

  • Feel positive, centered, more loving and confident
  • Arrive at a place where you feel grateful for your life and reinspired for your future
  • Understand that to align with your purpose you need to let go and trust
  • Achieve a sense of inner contentment and meaning, both as an individual and as a member to the community to which you may belong
  • Feel less frenetic and stressed, able to withstand what life throws at you
Inner emotional harmony
Treatments & Pricing
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 55 min
Emotional Transformation | 60 min
Thai Yoga Massage | 80 min
Chakra Sound Healing | 50 min
Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
Sanctuary for Busy Minds | 50 min
5 Element Balancing Treatment | 50 min
Salt Room | 20 min
Watsu | 50 min
Private Floatation Session | 20 min
Quartz Nap | 20 min
Group Meditation | 45 min
Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 60 min
Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 25 min
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Thai Yoga Massage | 50 min
Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min
Acupuncture | 50 min
5 days
15 inclusions
7 days
22 inclusions
5 days
14 treatments
- Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 55 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 55 min
55 minutes

This in-depth consultation assesses your health potential from three perspectives: medical, homeopathic and bio-energetic (with Qest4 see below). This allows us to get a complete picture of your unique constitution which helps us tailor, exercise, treatments and general recommendations for your maximum health potential.

Next Treatment: Emotional Transformation | 60 min →
- Emotional Transformation | 60 min
Euphoria Retreat
Emotional Transformation | 60 min
60 minutes

During this fascinating and profound hour of self-assessment, your transformational therapist will show you how the Five Elements of both ancient Hellenic medicine: Ydor, Air, Pyr, Gaia, Aethir, and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, are expressed in you in terms of your physical issues and personality traits. You will learn which elements are dominant for you and how all of them can be bal- anced to enjoy more harmony and fulfilment in life.

Next Treatment: Thai Yoga Massage | 80 min →
- Thai Yoga Massage | 80 min
Euphoria Retreat
Thai Yoga Massage | 80 min
80 minutes

Performed on the floor with loose, comfortable clothing to allow movement, this bodywork therapy uses manipulation, stretches and acupressure massage to release muscular tension and restore movement and flexibility. While it realigns the physical body, this massage is relaxing and energising and encourages a peaceful mind.

Next Treatment: Chakra Sound Healing | 50 min →
- Chakra Sound Healing | 50 min
Chakra Sound Healing
Chakra Sound Healing | 50 min
50 minutes

Euphoria Chakra sound healing harmonizes the sound of our heart using specific movements that open the space within our body to clear the blocked energy. Tibetan Singing Balls are used to open the space inside the body and energize each one of our charkas to achieve the flow of balance.

Next Treatment: Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min →
- Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
Chakra Balancing Treatment
Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
25 minutes

This ancient, hands-on healing form of energy work focusses on the body’s seven major energy centres, or chakras, located along the body’s central axis. When these centres spin freely with energy we feel mentally and physically energised. When they are blocked we tend to experience repetitive patterns of negative thought and emotion.

Next Treatment: Sanctuary for Busy Minds | 50 min →
- Sanctuary for Busy Minds | 50 min
Sanctuary for Busy Minds2
Sanctuary for Busy Minds | 50 min
50 minutes

This deeply relaxing session combines various energy techniques to relieve stress and bring a profound state of calm. Your therapist starts by opening the energy channels on your feet, moves up your body and focuses particularly on your head. It is said that when confronted with continual stress, the hypothalamus (the “brain’s brain”) literally shrinks. Our techniques help restore this area of the brain, reducing fearful thinking around trust, joy and safety. It is also good for hormonal balance, jet lag and sleep.

Next Treatment: 5 Element Balancing Treatment | 50 min →
- 5 Element Balancing Treatment | 50 min
5 Element Balancing Treatment
5 Element Balancing Treatment | 50 min
50 minutes

We have developed this massage-style treatment from the Theory of the Five Elements of ancient Greek and traditional Chinese medicine, which separates nature into five categories each with distinctive characteristics which are also reflected in patterns of human health and behaviour. Different people associate more closely with different elements according to their physical and psychological patterns. We determine imbalances in your dominant element and use different bodywork techniques, rhythms and pressures to create harmony and flow on a physical and emotional level.

Next Treatment: Salt Room | 20 min →
- Salt Room | 20 min
Salt room2
Salt Room | 20 min
20 minutes

The benefits of relaxing in our Salt Room include improved breathing, a slower heart rate, mental clarity and sense of calm.

Next Treatment: Watsu | 50 min →
- Watsu | 50 min
Soak up the healing ripples of Euphoria Retreat’s Watsu Pool. 
Watsu | 50 min
50 minutes

This one-on-one session, floating in a warm water pool, has multiple benefits such as improving mobility and flexibility and relieving emotional or physical conditions. You are cradled by your therapist who gently moves your body while blending massage techniques with joint mobilisation, stretching and free flowing movements. This is a highly relaxing and profound treatment on many levels.

Next Treatment: Private Floatation Session | 20 min →
- Private Floatation Session | 20 min
Balance _ Recover
Private Floatation Session | 20 min
25 minutes

Enjoy a sense of weightlessness and sensory deprivation in our salt flotation pool. This deeply meditative experience, with no gravitation pull on your body, helps calm an overly stimulated mind. The many other benefits include relief from physical pain, a boost in mental clarity, a drop in anxiety and improved sleep. On a physiological level, flotation restores chemical and metabolic balance to the body, boosting immune function.

Next Treatment: Quartz Nap | 20 min →
- Quartz Nap | 20 min
Quartz Nap | 20 min
20 minutes

Enjoy the energy of heated quartz grains while napping on our Quartz Bed, which cocoons your body in crystals. This spa technology uses the healing effects of nature for some peaceful ‘me-time’. It’s an ideal add-on for any treatment.

Next Treatment: Group Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Meditation | 45 min
45 minutes

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 60 min →
- Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 60 min
Theta Healing _ Physical Release on Trapped Emotions 60min
Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 60 min
60 minutes

This therapeutic therapy works to release trapped emotions by using kinesiology to identify specific emotions and connect them to past experiences through visualization techniques. Therapeutic magnets are then placed on specific energy points in the body to help with
emotional release, while a short meditation cultivates relaxation and presence. Finally, in the last half hour of the treatment, special manual massage techniques are used to help fully release trapped emotion. By incorporating these approaches, this therapy not only helps to identify pent-up emotions, but aims to safely and introspectively release them, leading to a sense of emotional well-being and harmony. Therapy session 60΄& Massage 25′

Next Treatment: Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 25 min →
- Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 25 min
Theta Healing _ Physical Release on Trapped Emotions 60min
Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 25 min
25 minutes

This therapeutic therapy works to release trapped emotions by using kinesiology to identify specific emotions and connect them to past experiences through visualization techniques. Therapeutic magnets are then placed on specific energy points in the body to help with emotional release, while a short meditation cultivates relaxation and presence. Finally, in the last half hour of the treatment, special manual massage techniques are used to help fully release trapped emotion. By incorporating these approaches, this therapy not only helps to identify pent-up emotions, but aims to safely and introspectively release them, leading to a sense of emotional well-being and harmony.

Therapy session 60΄& Massage 25′

Next Treatment: Wellness Consultation | 30 min →
7 days
16 treatments
- Emotional Transformation | 60 min
Euphoria Retreat
Emotional Transformation | 60 min
60 minutes

During this fascinating and profound hour of self-assessment, your transformational therapist will show you how the Five Elements of both ancient Hellenic medicine: Ydor, Air, Pyr, Gaia, Aethir, and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, are expressed in you in terms of your physical issues and personality traits. You will learn which elements are dominant for you and how all of them can be bal- anced to enjoy more harmony and fulfilment in life.

Next Treatment: Thai Yoga Massage | 80 min →
- Chakra Sound Healing | 50 min
Chakra Sound Healing
Chakra Sound Healing | 50 min
50 minutes

Euphoria Chakra sound healing harmonizes the sound of our heart using specific movements that open the space within our body to clear the blocked energy. Tibetan Singing Balls are used to open the space inside the body and energize each one of our charkas to achieve the flow of balance.

Next Treatment: Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min →
- Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
Chakra Balancing Treatment
Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
25 minutes

This ancient, hands-on healing form of energy work focusses on the body’s seven major energy centres, or chakras, located along the body’s central axis. When these centres spin freely with energy we feel mentally and physically energised. When they are blocked we tend to experience repetitive patterns of negative thought and emotion.

Next Treatment: Sanctuary for Busy Minds | 50 min →
- Sanctuary for Busy Minds | 50 min
Sanctuary for Busy Minds2
Sanctuary for Busy Minds | 50 min
50 minutes

This deeply relaxing session combines various energy techniques to relieve stress and bring a profound state of calm. Your therapist starts by opening the energy channels on your feet, moves up your body and focuses particularly on your head. It is said that when confronted with continual stress, the hypothalamus (the “brain’s brain”) literally shrinks. Our techniques help restore this area of the brain, reducing fearful thinking around trust, joy and safety. It is also good for hormonal balance, jet lag and sleep.

Next Treatment: 5 Element Balancing Treatment | 50 min →
- 5 Element Balancing Treatment | 50 min
5 Element Balancing Treatment
5 Element Balancing Treatment | 50 min
50 minutes

We have developed this massage-style treatment from the Theory of the Five Elements of ancient Greek and traditional Chinese medicine, which separates nature into five categories each with distinctive characteristics which are also reflected in patterns of human health and behaviour. Different people associate more closely with different elements according to their physical and psychological patterns. We determine imbalances in your dominant element and use different bodywork techniques, rhythms and pressures to create harmony and flow on a physical and emotional level.

Next Treatment: Salt Room | 20 min →
- Salt Room | 20 min
Salt room2
Salt Room | 20 min
20 minutes

The benefits of relaxing in our Salt Room include improved breathing, a slower heart rate, mental clarity and sense of calm.

Next Treatment: Watsu | 50 min →
- Watsu | 50 min
Soak up the healing ripples of Euphoria Retreat’s Watsu Pool. 
Watsu | 50 min
50 minutes

This one-on-one session, floating in a warm water pool, has multiple benefits such as improving mobility and flexibility and relieving emotional or physical conditions. You are cradled by your therapist who gently moves your body while blending massage techniques with joint mobilisation, stretching and free flowing movements. This is a highly relaxing and profound treatment on many levels.

Next Treatment: Private Floatation Session | 20 min →
- Private Floatation Session | 20 min
Balance _ Recover
Private Floatation Session | 20 min
25 minutes

Enjoy a sense of weightlessness and sensory deprivation in our salt flotation pool. This deeply meditative experience, with no gravitation pull on your body, helps calm an overly stimulated mind. The many other benefits include relief from physical pain, a boost in mental clarity, a drop in anxiety and improved sleep. On a physiological level, flotation restores chemical and metabolic balance to the body, boosting immune function.

Next Treatment: Quartz Nap | 20 min →
- Quartz Nap | 20 min
Quartz Nap | 20 min
20 minutes

Enjoy the energy of heated quartz grains while napping on our Quartz Bed, which cocoons your body in crystals. This spa technology uses the healing effects of nature for some peaceful ‘me-time’. It’s an ideal add-on for any treatment.

Next Treatment: Group Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Meditation | 45 min
45 minutes

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 60 min →
- Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 60 min
Theta Healing _ Physical Release on Trapped Emotions 60min
Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 60 min
60 minutes

This therapeutic therapy works to release trapped emotions by using kinesiology to identify specific emotions and connect them to past experiences through visualization techniques. Therapeutic magnets are then placed on specific energy points in the body to help with
emotional release, while a short meditation cultivates relaxation and presence. Finally, in the last half hour of the treatment, special manual massage techniques are used to help fully release trapped emotion. By incorporating these approaches, this therapy not only helps to identify pent-up emotions, but aims to safely and introspectively release them, leading to a sense of emotional well-being and harmony. Therapy session 60΄& Massage 25′

Next Treatment: Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 25 min →
- Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 25 min
Theta Healing _ Physical Release on Trapped Emotions 60min
Physical Release on Trapped Emotions | 25 min
25 minutes

This therapeutic therapy works to release trapped emotions by using kinesiology to identify specific emotions and connect them to past experiences through visualization techniques. Therapeutic magnets are then placed on specific energy points in the body to help with emotional release, while a short meditation cultivates relaxation and presence. Finally, in the last half hour of the treatment, special manual massage techniques are used to help fully release trapped emotion. By incorporating these approaches, this therapy not only helps to identify pent-up emotions, but aims to safely and introspectively release them, leading to a sense of emotional well-being and harmony.

Therapy session 60΄& Massage 25′

Next Treatment: Wellness Consultation | 30 min →
- Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
30 minutes

This consultation is the initial step towards better understanding and identifying the areas of your life that may need additional attention and healing support. We will be discussing your daily life and goals and with the help of our Five Element and bioenergetic tests we can personalise your spa programme and offer initial suggestions for reaching your higher potential and happiness.

Next Treatment: Thai Yoga Massage | 50 min →
- Thai Yoga Massage | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Thai Yoga Massage | 50 min
50 minutes

Performed on the floor with loose, comfortable clothing to allow movement, this bodywork therapy uses manipulation, stretches and acupressure massage to release muscular tension and restore movement and flexibility. While it realigns the physical body, this massage is relaxing and energising and encourages a peaceful mind.

Next Treatment: Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min →
- Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min
85 minutes

This in-depth consultation assesses your health potential from three perspectives: medical, homeopathic and bio-energetic (with Qest4 see below). This allows us to get a complete picture of your unique constitution which helps us tailor, exercise, treatments and general recommendations for your maximum health potential.

Next Treatment: Acupuncture | 50 min →
- Acupuncture | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Acupuncture | 50 min
50 minutes

This core practice of traditional Chinese medicine uses tiny needles inserted in specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow along the body’s energy pathways, or meridians. When energy flow is adjusted correctly it can support the body’s natural functioning and own healing capabilities, which will ultimately relieve pain and a range of physical and emotional conditions, even illness.

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