Euphoria Retreat

Yoga & Achtsamkeit


Yoga & Achtsamkeit

3/5/7 Tage – Der Preis für das Spa-Programm versteht sich ohne Zimmerpreis.

Achtsamkeit durch Bewegung, Meditation und Heilpraktiken.

Achtsamkeit ist eine tiefgreifende Technik für ein Leben mit erhöhter Aufmerksamkeit und Klarheit. Dieses Programm verbindet tägliche persönliche Yoga-Sessions mit einem Paket weiterer Techniken, die Ihnen die Freuden einer achtsamen Lebensweise nahebringen.

Die Ruhe und natürliche Erhabenheit unseres Ortes laden Sie dazu ein, das Leben in diesem Moment zu schätzen. Wenn Sie die mystischen Energien Griechenlands mit einem tiefgreifenden Programm aus Bewegung, Meditation, Atemtechniken und Heilpraktiken kombinieren, ergibt sich ein einzigartiges Potenzial zur persönlichen Entfaltung.

Im Mittelpunkt dieses Programms stehen private Yoga-Sessions. Diese Praxis wirkt auf vielen Ebenen, um Ihr körperliches, geistiges und spirituelles Wohlbefinden durch Asanas (Körperhaltungen), Pranayama (Atmung) und Meditation zu fördern. Das Ergebnis des Yoga-Retreats ist eine verbesserte körperliche Stärke und geistige Ausgeglichenheit.

Die Preise sind gültig bis zum 31/12/2022. Für Preise für 2023 kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter oder rufen Sie uns an unter +30 2731306111. Wir freuen uns darauf, von Ihnen zu hören. Wir danken Ihnen.

Das 3-Tages-Programm ist mit allen Unterkunftsarten inklusive Frühstück buchbar. Halbpension und/oder Vollpension nach Wunsch.

Das 5-tägige und das 7-tägige Euphoria Yoga & Achtsamkeits-Programm sind mit allen Unterkunftsarten buchbar, nur Zimmerbuchung.



Ist das Euphoria Yoga- und Achtsamkeitsprogramm in Griechenland das Richtige für mich?





Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Achtsamkeit durch Bewegung, Meditation und Heilpraktiken sind, dann ist dieses Programm perfekt, um sich zu entspannen und neu zu beleben. Entdecken Sie das positive Gefühl der Körper- und Atemarbeit und steigern Sie gleichzeitig Ihre Kraft und Flexibilität.

Yoga _ Mindfulness

Im Mittelpunkt des Yoga Retreats stehen private Yoga-Sessions und die Förderung Ihres körperlichen, geistigen und spirituellen Wohlbefindens. Diese Auswirkungen werden durch Bewegungsmeditationen in unserem Kiefernwald und durch Körperbehandlungen verstärkt, die zu einer gesteigerten Verbindung mit Ihrem authentischen Selbst beitragen.

Yoga _ Mindfulness

Unser Yoga-Retreat in Griechenland ist ideal für Sie, wenn Sie:

  • sich entspannen und geistig und körperlich erholen möchten
  • Ihre Kraft und Flexibilität steigern wollen
  • Freude an der Körper- und Atemarbeit entdecken möchten
  • Ihre Haltung verbessern möchten
  • Sie Ihren Metabolismus anregen wollen
  • körperliche Beschwerden und Schmerzen lindern möchten, die durch das viele Sitzen im Alltag entstehen
  • Ihre körperliche und geistige Stärke weiterentwickeln möchten
Yoga _ Mindfulness

Durch das Programm können Sie:

  • Kraft, Flexibilität und Koordination verbessern
  • ‚präsent‘ sein und sich mit Ihrer Umgebung verbunden fühlen
  • Ihre Gedanken loslassen
  • die Verbindung zwischen Geist, Körper, Herz und Seele besser verstehen
  • von der beruhigenden Wirkung der Meditation profitieren
  • die transformative Kraft der Atemarbeit kennenlernen
  • sich besser in der Lage fühlen, Ängste zu überwinden
  • Ihre Schlafqualität verbessern
  • Erholt und tiefenentspannt sein
Yoga _ Mindfulness

Ihr Yoga-Retreat in Griechenland

Treatments & Pricing
3GL- (Nutritional Analysis+Assessment+Respiratory) | 45 min
Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min
Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min
Private Meditation Session | 50 min
Group Meditation | 45 min
3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Nutritional Guidance Session | 30 min
Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
Salt Room | 20 min
Quartz Compresses treatment | 80 min
Emotional Transformation | 60 min
Salt Room Session | 20 min
Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner according to the nutritional guidance
Daily Biofunctional Smoothy & Snack according to the nutritional analysis and assessment
5 treatments
11 treatments
15 treatments
5 treatments
- 3GL- (Nutritional Analysis+Assessment+Respiratory) | 45 min
3GL- (Nutritional Analysis+Assessment+Respiratory) | 45 min
45 minutes

Euphoria Retreat has worked in collaboration with Eucrasia, an innovative Greek company, Global awarded, in the field of Health Tourism to devise our signature approach to personalised nutrition. We have developed a unique protocol to assess the three most important biomarkers for metabolic health: glucose, glutathione (the body’s two main endogenous antioxidants) and glycogen. We measure glucose and glutathione from a few drops of blood. A capillary ergometric scanning indirectly calculates glycogen efficiency. With a urine sample we measure more than 12 active metabolites and metabolically significant amino acids. We call this 3GL Plus, a method that promotes metabolic resetting by a unique and comprehensive Medical-Nutrition-Exercise program to re- store and maintain metabolic balance. This information forms the basis of our nutritional approach for each of our guests on our Programmes.

Next Treatment: Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min →
- Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min
Personal yoga session2
Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min
60 minutes

This is a private class with a Personal Fitness Trainer, who plans every step of your workout and inspires you to reach your specific goals.

Next Treatment: Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min →
- Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min
50 minutes

This sensorial massage, with our signature blend of natural and essential oils, uses gentle techniques for relaxing the body, calming the mind and inviting a quiet sense of joy.

Next Treatment: Private Meditation Session | 50 min →
- Private Meditation Session | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Private Meditation Session | 50 min
50 minutes

This guided meditation with one of our masters is customised specifically for you and your current needs. Throughout the experience you are learning how to meditate while you release stress, clear old energy blocks and expand your creativity. You will learn specific breathing techniques and postures that you can continue at home. Meditation is an excellent daily tool and one-on-one attention is the best way to learn this life-long practice with so many benefits.

Next Treatment: Group Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Meditation | 45 min
45 minutes

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: 3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes →
11 treatments
- Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min
Personal yoga session2
Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min
60 minutes

This is a private class with a Personal Fitness Trainer, who plans every step of your workout and inspires you to reach your specific goals.

Next Treatment: Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min →
- Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min
50 minutes

This sensorial massage, with our signature blend of natural and essential oils, uses gentle techniques for relaxing the body, calming the mind and inviting a quiet sense of joy.

Next Treatment: Private Meditation Session | 50 min →
- Private Meditation Session | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Private Meditation Session | 50 min
50 minutes

This guided meditation with one of our masters is customised specifically for you and your current needs. Throughout the experience you are learning how to meditate while you release stress, clear old energy blocks and expand your creativity. You will learn specific breathing techniques and postures that you can continue at home. Meditation is an excellent daily tool and one-on-one attention is the best way to learn this life-long practice with so many benefits.

Next Treatment: Group Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Meditation | 45 min
45 minutes

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: 3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes →
- 3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes
3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes
45 minutes

Euphoria Retreat has worked in collaboration with Eucrasia, an innovative Greek company, Global awarded, in the field of Health Tourism to devise our signature approach to personalised nutrition. We have developed a unique protocol to assess the three most important biomarkers for metabolic health: glucose, glutathione (the body’s two main endogenous antioxidants) and glycogen. We measure glucose and glutathione from a few drops of blood. A capillary ergometric scanning indirectly calculates glycogen efficiency. With a urine sample we measure more than 12 active metabolites and metabolically significant amino acids. We call this 3GL Plus, a method that promotes metabolic resetting by a unique and comprehensive Medical-Nutrition-Exercise program to re- store and maintain metabolic balance. This information forms the basis of our nutritional approach for each of our guests on our Programmes.

Next Treatment: Wellness Consultation | 30 min →
- Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
30 minutes

This consultation is the initial step towards better understanding and identifying the areas of your life that may need additional attention and healing support. We will be discussing your daily life and goals and with the help of our Five Element and bioenergetic tests we can personalise your spa programme and offer initial suggestions for reaching your higher potential and happiness.

Next Treatment: Nutritional Guidance Session | 30 min →
- Nutritional Guidance Session | 30 min
Euphoria Retreat
Nutritional Guidance Session | 30 min
33 minutes

During this session with our nutritionist, we will focus on all aspects of your diet, eating patterns and lifestyle habits, current health concerns, and your goals. All of this helps us create your personalised nutritional plan, specifically tailored to your needs.

Next Treatment: Euphoria Feedback | 25 min →
- Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
25 minutes

At the end of all Programmes, lasting 3 days or more, our mentors will give you final lifestyle recommendations, to help you enjoy and maintain the healthy changes you experienced at Euphoria Retreat.

Next Treatment: Urine test (follow up) | 15 min →
- Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
15 minutes
Next Treatment: Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min →
- Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
Chakra Balancing Treatment
Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
25 minutes

This ancient, hands-on healing form of energy work focusses on the body’s seven major energy centres, or chakras, located along the body’s central axis. When these centres spin freely with energy we feel mentally and physically energised. When they are blocked we tend to experience repetitive patterns of negative thought and emotion.

Next Treatment: Salt Room | 20 min →
- Salt Room | 20 min
Salt room2
Salt Room | 20 min
20 minutes

The benefits of relaxing in our Salt Room include improved breathing, a slower heart rate, mental clarity and sense of calm.

Next Treatment: Quartz Compresses treatment | 80 min →
15 treatments
- Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min
Personal yoga session2
Personal Training Session (Yoga) | 60 min
60 minutes

This is a private class with a Personal Fitness Trainer, who plans every step of your workout and inspires you to reach your specific goals.

Next Treatment: Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min →
- Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Euphoria Relaxing Aroma Massage | 50 min
50 minutes

This sensorial massage, with our signature blend of natural and essential oils, uses gentle techniques for relaxing the body, calming the mind and inviting a quiet sense of joy.

Next Treatment: Private Meditation Session | 50 min →
- Private Meditation Session | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Private Meditation Session | 50 min
50 minutes

This guided meditation with one of our masters is customised specifically for you and your current needs. Throughout the experience you are learning how to meditate while you release stress, clear old energy blocks and expand your creativity. You will learn specific breathing techniques and postures that you can continue at home. Meditation is an excellent daily tool and one-on-one attention is the best way to learn this life-long practice with so many benefits.

Next Treatment: Group Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Meditation | 45 min
45 minutes

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: 3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes →
- 3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes
3GL plus (Analysis + Assessment + Respiratory + Urine test) | 45 minutes
45 minutes

Euphoria Retreat has worked in collaboration with Eucrasia, an innovative Greek company, Global awarded, in the field of Health Tourism to devise our signature approach to personalised nutrition. We have developed a unique protocol to assess the three most important biomarkers for metabolic health: glucose, glutathione (the body’s two main endogenous antioxidants) and glycogen. We measure glucose and glutathione from a few drops of blood. A capillary ergometric scanning indirectly calculates glycogen efficiency. With a urine sample we measure more than 12 active metabolites and metabolically significant amino acids. We call this 3GL Plus, a method that promotes metabolic resetting by a unique and comprehensive Medical-Nutrition-Exercise program to re- store and maintain metabolic balance. This information forms the basis of our nutritional approach for each of our guests on our Programmes.

Next Treatment: Wellness Consultation | 30 min →
- Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
30 minutes

This consultation is the initial step towards better understanding and identifying the areas of your life that may need additional attention and healing support. We will be discussing your daily life and goals and with the help of our Five Element and bioenergetic tests we can personalise your spa programme and offer initial suggestions for reaching your higher potential and happiness.

Next Treatment: Nutritional Guidance Session | 30 min →
- Nutritional Guidance Session | 30 min
Euphoria Retreat
Nutritional Guidance Session | 30 min
33 minutes

During this session with our nutritionist, we will focus on all aspects of your diet, eating patterns and lifestyle habits, current health concerns, and your goals. All of this helps us create your personalised nutritional plan, specifically tailored to your needs.

Next Treatment: Euphoria Feedback | 25 min →
- Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
25 minutes

At the end of all Programmes, lasting 3 days or more, our mentors will give you final lifestyle recommendations, to help you enjoy and maintain the healthy changes you experienced at Euphoria Retreat.

Next Treatment: Urine test (follow up) | 15 min →
- Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
15 minutes
Next Treatment: Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min →
- Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
Chakra Balancing Treatment
Chakra Balancing Treatment | 25 min
25 minutes

This ancient, hands-on healing form of energy work focusses on the body’s seven major energy centres, or chakras, located along the body’s central axis. When these centres spin freely with energy we feel mentally and physically energised. When they are blocked we tend to experience repetitive patterns of negative thought and emotion.

Next Treatment: Salt Room | 20 min →
- Quartz Compresses treatment | 80 min
Quartz Compresses treatment | 80 min
80 minutes

This highly nurturing massage takes place on our Quartz Bed which envelops your body in warm quartz sand that has its own energetic frequency for balancing the body. Hot quartz compresses are massaged into your skin and your therapist will play the singing bowl whose vibrations enhance the relaxing sensations for your body and mind.

Next Treatment: Emotional Transformation | 60 min →
- Emotional Transformation | 60 min
Euphoria Retreat
Emotional Transformation | 60 min
60 minutes

During this fascinating and profound hour of self-assessment, your transformational therapist will show you how the Five Elements of both ancient Hellenic medicine: Ydor, Air, Pyr, Gaia, Aethir, and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, are expressed in you in terms of your physical issues and personality traits. You will learn which elements are dominant for you and how all of them can be bal- anced to enjoy more harmony and fulfilment in life.

Next Treatment: Salt Room Session | 20 min →
- Salt Room Session | 20 min
Salt room
Salt Room Session | 20 min
20 minutes

The benefits of relaxing in our Salt Room include improved breathing, a slower heart rate, mental clarity and sense of calm.

Next Treatment: Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner according to the nutritional guidance →

Unser Geschenk an Sie

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, so viel Zeit in unserem schönen Spa zu verbringen, wie Sie möchten. Es erwartet Sie ein umfangreiches Angebot, das sich über vier Etagen erstreckt: Außen- und Innenpools, das meditative Erlebnis unseres Sphären-Pools mit Hydrotherapie; das Tepidarium mit Dampfbädern, finnischer Sauna, Kalttauchbecken und Eisnebel; der Wasserbrunnen mit Kneipp'scher Gehtherapie sowie Entspannungs- und Erholungsräume im Innen- und Außenbereich und ein hochmoderner, mit Technogym ausgestatteter Fitnessraum. Außerdem bieten wir täglich verschiedene ergänzende Aktivitäten wie Vorträge, Morgenwanderungen, TRX, Yoga, Pilates und Fitnesskurse an.

Ein Hinweis auf unsere individuelle Ernährungsanalyse und -auswertung (3GL)

Unser einzigartiger Ansatz für eine personalisierte Ernährung basiert auf unserem patentierten „3GL“-Test, einer Blutprobe mit Nadelstich, bei dem die drei wichtigsten Biomarker für einen gesunden Stoffwechsel gemessen werden: Glukose, Glutathion und Glykogen sowie eine einfache Urinprobe, bei der mehr als 12 aktive Stoffwechselprodukte und stoffwechselrelevante Aminosäuren gemessen werden. Die Ernährung während Ihres Aufenthalts wird dann entsprechend diesen Ergebnissen angepasst. Dieser Test hat entscheidend dazu beigetragen, das Euphoria Retreat als Wellness-Zielkurort zu positionieren, der nicht nur in Griechenland, sondern auch weltweit für Aufmerksamkeit sorgt. Sie können hier mehr darüber lesen.


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