Euphoria Retreat

Un parcours personnel de Transformation


Bien-être Detox Euphoria

3/5/7 Jours – Le tarif du programme Spa n'inclut pas l'hébergement

Vivez plus léger à tous les niveaux : physiquement, mentalement et émotionnellement.


Si vous recherchez un regain de vitalité, ce programme est fait pour vous. Nous utilisons notre analyse et évaluation nutritionnelle brevetée Euphoria 3GL Plus pour déterminer votre plan d’alimentation qui peut nettoyer efficacement votre corps et ajuster votre métabolisme. Nous combinons notre approche nutritionnelle unique avec un large éventail de thérapies pour soutenir le processus naturel de désintoxication de votre corps, ce qui se traduit par des niveaux plus élevés d’énergie et de bonheur.

Lorsque nous détoxifions notre corps et soutenons cela avec des pratiques pour vider notre esprit, nous vivons de grands changements dans la façon dont nous nous sentons : plus dynamiques et enthousiastes pour la vie.

Notre programme complet de désintoxication du bien-être associe des soins spa qui aident votre corps à éliminer les toxines, tels que le sauna infrarouge, les enveloppements corporels, le massage aux ventouses et notre traitement équilibrant aux 5 éléments, avec notre propre approche nutritionnelle unique visant à vous offrir une alimentation riche en antioxydants pour accroître votre métabolisme.

Suite à notre analyse et évaluation nutritionnelles (3GL), via un test sanguin breveté, qui mesure les niveaux de glutathion, un antioxydant fabriqué dans le corps, nous pouvons déterminer vos besoins en antioxydants. Nous pouvons ensuite concevoir votre plan d’alimentation personnel pour soutenir votre processus d’élimination. Contrairement à de nombreux régimes de désintoxication, vous recevrez cinq repas par jour, chacun soigneusement étudié pour ne pas avoir faim. Notre philosophie pour plus de vitalité est centrée sur la stimulation du métabolisme plutôt que sur la réduction des calories.

Vous profiterez également de pratiques méditatives et de nos soins signatures axés sur la spiritualité. Tout cela apporte un soutien mental et émotionnel à votre nettoyage physique. Le résultat est une sensation générale de rajeunissement et d’équilibre interne. Surtout, vous quitterez Euphoria Retreat mentalement plus fort et plus apte à modifier les « mauvaises » habitudes précédentes.

Les 3 jours, les 5 jours et les 7 jours Detox sont réservables avec tous les types d’hébergement en chambre seule.

Nous recommandons 7 jours pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Sur conseil de notre nutritionniste, vous pouvez suivre un régime à jeun liquide.

Le Programme Détox Bien-Être est-il fait pour moi?






Pour ceux qui recherchent un regain de vitalité, cette retraite de santé et de bien-être vous aidera à vivre plus léger à tous les niveaux : physiquement, mentalement et émotionnellement. Vous repartirez mentalement plus fort avec une sensation générale de rajeunissement et d’équilibre interne.

Euphoria Wellbeing Detox

Ce programme complet associe des soins spa qui aident votre corps à éliminer les toxines avec des pratiques méditatives axées sur la spiritualité. Vous découvrirez également notre propre approche nutritionnelle unique, y compris un plan d’alimentation personnel visant à accroître votre métabolisme.

Euphoria Wellbeing Detox

Ce programme est parfait si vous:

  • Vous réveillez le matin en vous sentant léthargique
  • Avez du mal à vous concentrer, dérive dans un brouillard mental
  • Vous sentez déprimé et anxieux
  • Êtes constamment fatigué et facilement irritable
  • Développez des réactions allergiques aux aliments
  • Ressentez simplement une « lourdeur » globale
Euphoria Wellbeing Detox


  • Ressentirez un sentiment général d’équilibre
  • Vous sentirez nettoyé dans votre corps : plus fort, plus vivant et plus léger
  • Vous sentirez plus calme, plus heureux et plus détendu
  • Serez plus concentré, avec une vitalité mentale accrue
  • Ferez face aux situations de la vie avec une attitude plus positive
  • Aurez un teint plus clair et une peau plus lumineuse
  • Aurez établi une base pour un changement positif à long terme pour un mode de vie plus sain
Euphoria Wellbeing Detox
Treatments & Pricing
3GL- (Nutritional Analysis+Assessment+Respiratory) | 45 min
Nutritional Guidance | 30 min
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min
Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min
Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min
Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min
Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min
Infrared sauna | 20 min
Salt Room Session | 20 min
3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min
Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
Biologique Recherche algae slimming & detox Body treatment | 80 min
Reflexology | 50 min
Nutritional Guidance (follow up)| 30 min
Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min
Emotional Aspects of Health and Weight balance (group workshop) | 90 min
Mineral Molds for Cellulite, Detox and Body Toning | 120 min
Feel Alive Again massage | 80 min
Daily breakfast – Lunch – Dinner
Daily Biofunctional Smoothy & Snack according to the nutritional analysis and assessment
10 treatments
14 treatments
20 treatments
10 treatments
- 3GL- (Nutritional Analysis+Assessment+Respiratory) | 45 min
3GL- (Nutritional Analysis+Assessment+Respiratory) | 45 min
45 minutes

Euphoria Retreat has worked in collaboration with Eucrasia, an innovative Greek company, Global awarded, in the field of Health Tourism to devise our signature approach to personalised nutrition. We have developed a unique protocol to assess the three most important biomarkers for metabolic health: glucose, glutathione (the body’s two main endogenous antioxidants) and glycogen. We measure glucose and glutathione from a few drops of blood. A capillary ergometric scanning indirectly calculates glycogen efficiency. With a urine sample we measure more than 12 active metabolites and metabolically significant amino acids. We call this 3GL Plus, a method that promotes metabolic resetting by a unique and comprehensive Medical-Nutrition-Exercise program to re- store and maintain metabolic balance. This information forms the basis of our nutritional approach for each of our guests on our Programmes.

Next Treatment: Nutritional Guidance | 30 min →
- Nutritional Guidance | 30 min
Euphoria Retreat
Nutritional Guidance | 30 min
30 minutes

During this session with our nutritionist, we will focus on all aspects of your diet, eating patterns and lifestyle habits, current health concerns, and your goals. All of this helps us create your personalised nutritional plan, specifically tailored to your needs.

Next Treatment: Wellness Consultation | 30 min →
- Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
30 minutes

This consultation is the initial step towards better understanding and identifying the areas of your life that may need additional attention and healing support. We will be discussing your daily life and goals and with the help of our Five Element and bioenergetic tests we can personalise your spa programme and offer initial suggestions for reaching your higher potential and happiness.

Next Treatment: Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min →
- Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min
Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min
25 minutes

Analysis of the body composition. This is a method, used for estimating body fat composition. More specifically, body fat, muscle mass and total body water can be estimated by a weak electric current which flows through the body and the voltage is measured in order to calculate impedance (resistance) of the body. In addition, it can provide information about minerals and proteins which can be very useful for the weight management.

Next Treatment: Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min →
- Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min
50 minutes

This skin softening ritual, with natural Greek cosmetics, feels like a beautiful massage as much as a scrub. Guaranteed to relax you inside and out.

Next Treatment: Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min →
- Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min
50 minutes

The lymphatic system is vital for proper immune and circulatory function, which can be impaired by poor diet and lack of activity causing fluids and toxins to get trapped there. This treatment works gently on the lymph, all over the body, to circulate fluids and eliminate waste products. This creates a healthier environment for cells to function properly, while reducing swelling and leaving you feeling lighter and more mobile.

Next Treatment: Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min →
- Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min
50 minutes

This detox massage, using suction cups on different body parts, is an effective technique for releasing blockages and eliminating stagnant energetic and lymphatic build-up. It’s an invigorating technique to boost organ function, stimulate circulation and improve skin tone. It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Next Treatment: Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: Infrared sauna | 20 min →
- Infrared sauna | 20 min
Infrared sauna
Infrared sauna | 20 min
20 minutes

An infrared sauna is gentler than a traditional sauna, yet its heat penetrates body tissues more deeply, purifying the skin, flushing out toxins, stimulating blood flow, boosting metabolism and alleviating physical aches and pains.

Next Treatment: Salt Room Session | 20 min →
- Salt Room Session | 20 min
Salt room
Salt Room Session | 20 min
20 minutes

The benefits of relaxing in our Salt Room include improved breathing, a slower heart rate, mental clarity and sense of calm.

Next Treatment: 3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min →
14 treatments
- Nutritional Guidance | 30 min
Euphoria Retreat
Nutritional Guidance | 30 min
30 minutes

During this session with our nutritionist, we will focus on all aspects of your diet, eating patterns and lifestyle habits, current health concerns, and your goals. All of this helps us create your personalised nutritional plan, specifically tailored to your needs.

Next Treatment: Wellness Consultation | 30 min →
- Wellness Consultation | 30 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Wellness Consultation | 30 min
30 minutes

This consultation is the initial step towards better understanding and identifying the areas of your life that may need additional attention and healing support. We will be discussing your daily life and goals and with the help of our Five Element and bioenergetic tests we can personalise your spa programme and offer initial suggestions for reaching your higher potential and happiness.

Next Treatment: Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min →
- Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min
Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min
25 minutes

Analysis of the body composition. This is a method, used for estimating body fat composition. More specifically, body fat, muscle mass and total body water can be estimated by a weak electric current which flows through the body and the voltage is measured in order to calculate impedance (resistance) of the body. In addition, it can provide information about minerals and proteins which can be very useful for the weight management.

Next Treatment: Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min →
- Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min
50 minutes

This skin softening ritual, with natural Greek cosmetics, feels like a beautiful massage as much as a scrub. Guaranteed to relax you inside and out.

Next Treatment: Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min →
- Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min
50 minutes

The lymphatic system is vital for proper immune and circulatory function, which can be impaired by poor diet and lack of activity causing fluids and toxins to get trapped there. This treatment works gently on the lymph, all over the body, to circulate fluids and eliminate waste products. This creates a healthier environment for cells to function properly, while reducing swelling and leaving you feeling lighter and more mobile.

Next Treatment: Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min →
- Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min
50 minutes

This detox massage, using suction cups on different body parts, is an effective technique for releasing blockages and eliminating stagnant energetic and lymphatic build-up. It’s an invigorating technique to boost organ function, stimulate circulation and improve skin tone. It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Next Treatment: Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: Infrared sauna | 20 min →
- Infrared sauna | 20 min
Infrared sauna
Infrared sauna | 20 min
20 minutes

An infrared sauna is gentler than a traditional sauna, yet its heat penetrates body tissues more deeply, purifying the skin, flushing out toxins, stimulating blood flow, boosting metabolism and alleviating physical aches and pains.

Next Treatment: Salt Room Session | 20 min →
- Salt Room Session | 20 min
Salt room
Salt Room Session | 20 min
20 minutes

The benefits of relaxing in our Salt Room include improved breathing, a slower heart rate, mental clarity and sense of calm.

Next Treatment: 3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min →
- 3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min
3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min
45 minutes

Euphoria Retreat has worked in collaboration with Eucrasia, an innovative Greek company, Global awarded, in the field of Health Tourism to devise our signature approach to personalised nutrition. We have developed a unique protocol to assess the three most important biomarkers for metabolic health: glucose, glutathione (the body’s two main endogenous antioxidants) and glycogen. We measure glucose and glutathione from a few drops of blood. A capillary ergometric scanning indirectly calculates glycogen efficiency. With a urine sample we measure more than 12 active metabolites and metabolically significant amino acids. We call this 3GL Plus, a method that promotes metabolic resetting by a unique and comprehensive Medical-Nutrition-Exercise program to re- store and maintain metabolic balance. This information forms the basis of our nutritional approach for each of our guests on our Programmes.

Next Treatment: Euphoria Feedback | 25 min →
- Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
25 minutes

At the end of all Programmes, lasting 3 days or more, our mentors will give you final lifestyle recommendations, to help you enjoy and maintain the healthy changes you experienced at Euphoria Retreat.

Next Treatment: Urine test (follow up) | 15 min →
- Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
15 minutes
Next Treatment: Biologique Recherche algae slimming & detox Body treatment | 80 min →
- Biologique Recherche algae slimming & detox Body treatment | 80 min
Biologique Recherche Hydrating Lifting facial with Remodeling Face Machine
Biologique Recherche algae slimming & detox Body treatment | 80 min
80 minutes

This thermal-effect wrap releases marine active ingredients that remineralise, tone and purify the body, leaving you with a wonderful sense of well-being and comfort. Not only does this wrap help shed excess water, it also dissolves localised, unwanted fat, making this ideal to boost a slimming regime.

Next Treatment: Reflexology | 50 min →
- Reflexology | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Reflexology | 50 min
50 minutes

This ancient holistic approach applies pressure on energetic reflex zones and points on the feet, face and head, that correspond to specific body organs. Reflexology returns vitality to the organs, regulates the nervous system and improves concentration, memory and sleep quality.

Next Treatment: Nutritional Guidance (follow up)| 30 min →
20 treatments
- Nutritional Guidance | 30 min
Euphoria Retreat
Nutritional Guidance | 30 min
30 minutes

During this session with our nutritionist, we will focus on all aspects of your diet, eating patterns and lifestyle habits, current health concerns, and your goals. All of this helps us create your personalised nutritional plan, specifically tailored to your needs.

Next Treatment: Wellness Consultation | 30 min →
- Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min
Body Bioimpedance Analysis | 20 min
25 minutes

Analysis of the body composition. This is a method, used for estimating body fat composition. More specifically, body fat, muscle mass and total body water can be estimated by a weak electric current which flows through the body and the voltage is measured in order to calculate impedance (resistance) of the body. In addition, it can provide information about minerals and proteins which can be very useful for the weight management.

Next Treatment: Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min →
- Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Scrub Ritual (Relax or Energy or Detox) | 50 min
50 minutes

This skin softening ritual, with natural Greek cosmetics, feels like a beautiful massage as much as a scrub. Guaranteed to relax you inside and out.

Next Treatment: Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min →
- Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage | 50 min
50 minutes

The lymphatic system is vital for proper immune and circulatory function, which can be impaired by poor diet and lack of activity causing fluids and toxins to get trapped there. This treatment works gently on the lymph, all over the body, to circulate fluids and eliminate waste products. This creates a healthier environment for cells to function properly, while reducing swelling and leaving you feeling lighter and more mobile.

Next Treatment: Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min →
- Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Detox Cupping Massage | 50 min
50 minutes

This detox massage, using suction cups on different body parts, is an effective technique for releasing blockages and eliminating stagnant energetic and lymphatic build-up. It’s an invigorating technique to boost organ function, stimulate circulation and improve skin tone. It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Next Treatment: Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min →
- Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min
Euphoria Retreat
Group Mind Detox or Meditation | 45 min

Begin with a guided meditation, followed by a brief check-in by each member and open time to share joys, difficulties, and questions about their meditation practice and how it works (or doesn’t) in their daily lives.

Next Treatment: Infrared sauna | 20 min →
- Infrared sauna | 20 min
Infrared sauna
Infrared sauna | 20 min
20 minutes

An infrared sauna is gentler than a traditional sauna, yet its heat penetrates body tissues more deeply, purifying the skin, flushing out toxins, stimulating blood flow, boosting metabolism and alleviating physical aches and pains.

Next Treatment: Salt Room Session | 20 min →
- Salt Room Session | 20 min
Salt room
Salt Room Session | 20 min
20 minutes

The benefits of relaxing in our Salt Room include improved breathing, a slower heart rate, mental clarity and sense of calm.

Next Treatment: 3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min →
- 3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min
3GL plus (Lab Test+Assessment+Urine test+Respiratory) | 45 min
45 minutes

Euphoria Retreat has worked in collaboration with Eucrasia, an innovative Greek company, Global awarded, in the field of Health Tourism to devise our signature approach to personalised nutrition. We have developed a unique protocol to assess the three most important biomarkers for metabolic health: glucose, glutathione (the body’s two main endogenous antioxidants) and glycogen. We measure glucose and glutathione from a few drops of blood. A capillary ergometric scanning indirectly calculates glycogen efficiency. With a urine sample we measure more than 12 active metabolites and metabolically significant amino acids. We call this 3GL Plus, a method that promotes metabolic resetting by a unique and comprehensive Medical-Nutrition-Exercise program to re- store and maintain metabolic balance. This information forms the basis of our nutritional approach for each of our guests on our Programmes.

Next Treatment: Euphoria Feedback | 25 min →
- Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
Euphoria Feedback | 25 min
25 minutes

At the end of all Programmes, lasting 3 days or more, our mentors will give you final lifestyle recommendations, to help you enjoy and maintain the healthy changes you experienced at Euphoria Retreat.

Next Treatment: Urine test (follow up) | 15 min →
- Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
Urine test (follow up) | 15 min
15 minutes
Next Treatment: Biologique Recherche algae slimming & detox Body treatment | 80 min →
- Biologique Recherche algae slimming & detox Body treatment | 80 min
Biologique Recherche Hydrating Lifting facial with Remodeling Face Machine
Biologique Recherche algae slimming & detox Body treatment | 80 min
80 minutes

This thermal-effect wrap releases marine active ingredients that remineralise, tone and purify the body, leaving you with a wonderful sense of well-being and comfort. Not only does this wrap help shed excess water, it also dissolves localised, unwanted fat, making this ideal to boost a slimming regime.

Next Treatment: Reflexology | 50 min →
- Reflexology | 50 min
Euphoria Retreat
Reflexology | 50 min
50 minutes

This ancient holistic approach applies pressure on energetic reflex zones and points on the feet, face and head, that correspond to specific body organs. Reflexology returns vitality to the organs, regulates the nervous system and improves concentration, memory and sleep quality.

Next Treatment: Nutritional Guidance (follow up)| 30 min →
- Nutritional Guidance (follow up)| 30 min
Euphoria Retreat
Nutritional Guidance (follow up)| 30 min
30 minutes

During this session with our nutritionist, we will focus on all aspects of your diet, eating patterns and lifestyle habits, current health concerns, and your goals. All of this helps us create your personalized nutritional plan, specifically tailored to your needs.

Next Treatment: Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min →
- Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min
Wellness Consultation with biofeedback profiling _ Medical _ Holistic Consultation with bioenergetic profiling, Laser Treatment (with Qest 4) _ Homeopathic Consultation
Medical & Holistic Consultation with biofeedback profiling | 85 min
85 minutes

This in-depth consultation assesses your health potential from three perspectives: medical, homeopathic and bio-energetic (with Qest4 see below). This allows us to get a complete picture of your unique constitution which helps us tailor, exercise, treatments and general recommendations for your maximum health potential.

Next Treatment: Emotional Aspects of Health and Weight balance (group workshop) | 90 min →
- Emotional Aspects of Health and Weight balance (group workshop) | 90 min
Euphoria Retreat
Emotional Aspects of Health and Weight balance (group workshop) | 90 min
90 minutes

Emotions play a crucial role in a healthy relationship with nutrition and health overall. Emotional eating predicts poor outcome in weight loss interventions. In this workshop, mindfulness approaches can address emotional eating by modification of emotion regulation and appetitive traits.

Next Treatment: Mineral Molds for Cellulite, Detox and Body Toning | 120 min →
- Mineral Molds for Cellulite, Detox and Body Toning | 120 min
Euphoria Retreat
Mineral Molds for Cellulite, Detox and Body Toning | 120 min
120 minutes

A highly effective treatment against cellulite and localized fat deposits. It raises the internal temperature in the problematic area, increases blood supply and metabolism, and helps eliminate toxins. The next step of the treatment is an occlusive wrap for slimming, toning, and anti-cellulite. *Mold has two compositions: Blue and Pink. The blue is a cooling cast that works on tightening the skin and soothing the overall appearance of the skin, while the pink is a thermal cast that targets water retention and cellulite. The mold is applied to sections of the body. Either the lower part of the body which would target the abdomen, legs (inner and outer thighs) and the gluteus or the upper part which would target the abdomen, the arms and back.

Next Treatment: Feel Alive Again massage | 80 min →
- Feel Alive Again massage | 80 min
Euphoria Retreat
Feel Alive Again massage | 80 min
80 minutes

This is an exclusive treatment that is effective and at the same time enjoyable. It is applied throughout the body and combines Tuina techniques, lymphatic drainage and acupressure for rejuvenation, detoxification, energy stimulation and strengthening of the immune system. The calm and rhythmic movements of the lymphatic help the body to relax, while the application of gradual pressure with the fingers on specific points on the body stimulates the body’s natural self-healing abilities. Then, Tuina’s most dynamic techniques wake up and enliven the body in a more energetic way and help stimulate total Qi and energy flow throughout the body. The whole process offers well-being and vitality, mood improvement and re-tune with our inner rhythm.

Next Treatment: Daily breakfast – Lunch – Dinner →

Une note sur notre analyse et évaluation nutritionnelle signature (3GL)

Notre approche signature de la nutrition personnalisée est basée sur le test breveté
« 3GL », un test sanguin par piqûre qui mesure les trois biomarqueurs les plus importants pour la santé métabolique : glucose, glutathion et glycogène, ainsi qu’un simple échantillon d’urine qui mesure plus de 12 actifs métabolites et acides aminés métaboliquement significatifs. Votre alimentation durant votre séjour sera alors personnalisée en fonction de vos résultats. Ce test a été un facteur clé dans le positionnement d’Euphoria Retreat comme une destination spa de bien-être qui fait des vagues, non seulement en Grèce mais sur la scène internationale. Découvrez plus ici.

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